I do a lot from home.... Today, that's where I am! So, you'll also be hearing some of the other things I do during the day while I work from home - MAJOR multi-tasking!
Morning Email Reading and Responding
Second Life SLL Promotion - LibNet and Alliance Library Google group
Sent out a letter from the Parents Committee of the school
Talked on the phone to my sister and mother
Made some oatmeal and watched Monsters vs. Aliens with Mr. 3.
Worked on our HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning)system's remote connection. I and two other staff members log into the system computer each day to check for any alerts within the entire building system. We need to do this each day for the first year of operation of our new green library building.
Wrote and submitted Library News article to our local paper, Mancos Times.
Spoke with the Snow Shoveling team we hired to clean the 3 feet of snow from our rooftop and garage.
Made up weekly menu and created a grocery shopping list.
Began presentation background work for CLiC Spring Workshops. Sent email to my three other co-presenters. (4 presenters!? Yes,

IMd in Facebook with a patron, and answered their questions about posting pics in FB.
Picked up Mr. 5 from preschool and went grocery shopping.
After that, I was pretty much in family and Mama mode...