Lee Raine - New Information Ecology
Friday, 20 Nov 09 - Opening Keynote
Talked about Twitter
"Tweckle" - to abuse a speaker only to twitter followers
46% adults use internet
5% get broadband @ home
50% use cell
0% connect wirelessly
= slow stationary connections built around my computer
77-79% adults use Internet
63% get broadband @ home
85% use cell
54-56% connect wirelessly
2/3 of all use cloud
=fast mobile connections built around outside servers and storage
47% adults own laptops - up from 30% in '06
How digital tech has changed things for your patrons and their networking behaviour
- Variety of information and sources of information grow
- Velocity of information increases and smart mobs emerge (Howard Rheingold, Clay Shirky)
- Venues of intersecting with information and people multiply and the availability of information expands to all hours of the day and all places we are (nielsen company)
- People's Vigilance for information changes in two directions 1. attention is truncated (Linda Stone) 2. attention is elongated (Andrew Keen; Terry Fisher) (Andrew Keen: The Cult of the Amateur - book)
- The Vibrance and immersive qualitites of media environments makes them more compelling places to hang out and interact - metaverse roadmap project 1. virtual worlds, 2. mirror worlds. 3. augmented reality (most vitality right now)
- Valence (relevance) of information improves - search and customization
- The Voice of information democratizes and the visibility of new creators is enhanced. Identitiy and privacy change
31% of adult internet users have rated a person product or service online
social networks become more vivid and meaningful. Media-making is part of social networking. 'Networked Individualism' takes hold. Barry Wellman